Lab Members
Ph.D Course
Sungyub Hong
Studying for the Ph.D Course
Department of Architectural Engineering
Yonsei University
Office : A475, Engineering Hall
E-mail :
Phone : +82-2-2123-7469
M.S. 2008.03~2011.02, Architectural Engineering, Chungwoon University, Republic of Korea
Thesis title: Deflection characteristics of FRP-reinforced concrete members
B.S. 2002.03~2008.02, Architectural Engineering, Chungwoon University, Republic of Korea
2020 ~ Present, 대한건축학회, 콘크리트구조위원회 위원
2019 ~ Present, 한국콘크리트학회, 프리캐스트콘크리트위원회 위원
2014 ~ 2016, 대한건축학회, 모듈러건축위원회 위원
2013. 10, 대한건축학회 우수발표논문상 수상
2011. 02, 대한건축학회 우수졸업논문상(석사) 수상
2008. 02, 청운대학교 총장상 수상 / 수석 졸업
2021. 03 ~ Present, Instructor (Undergraduate Studies).
Chungwoon University, Republic of Korea
2015. 11 ~ Present, Senior Researcher.
㈜까뮤이앤씨 미래연구소, Republic of Korea
2011. 02 ~ 2015.10, Researcher.
Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Republic of Korea
Industrialized Architecture Engineering: Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction(PPVC), Precast Concrete / Modular Structure
Building Core System using Precast Concrete Panel with Column in the Center (Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 10-2111337, 2020.05) and other 47 cases
Domestic Journal Papers
Lee,S.S., Hong,S.Y.,and Bae,K.W. (2020). Hysteretic Behavior of Horizontal Connections in Precast Concrete Shear Walls In Proceedings of the Architectural Institute of Korea (Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, 36(7), pp. 155-162) and other 13 cases
Domestic Conference or Symposium proceedings
Hong,S.Y., Lee,C.J. (2020). Performance Evaluation of Type 2 Mechanical Splices on Precast Concrete Structure In Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) Institute of Korea (Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute ,32(2), pp. 1-2.) and other 32 cases